Active Workspace Interview Questions

Teamcenter Active Workspace (AWC) related question:

Admin/Install related question:

  • How to install AWC on 4 tier client?
  • WHat is micro service in AWC, in which Tier this module will get installed?
  • What AWC gateway service?
  • What are the Architectural difference between AWC 5.2 and prior version?
  • How to access AWC? What is the URL format?
  • What is workspace in AWC? what are the main workspaces we regularly use?
  • What is column configuration where do we use it?
  • How to get the AWC user’s session syslog file datails?

AWC Developer questions:

  • How many types of stsylesheets are there in AWC
  • How to create AWC specific stylsheets?
  • How to create Stylsheets for Item Create, Overview, Folder view and Content View stylesheets?
  • How to enable Content tab to custom business object?
  • How to we display the Custom attributes on Content tab table view?
  • What is Element Object and significance of it?
  • How do you differentiate the Column config and Stylesheet configuration when you are viewing the data in AWC?
  • How to add the Custom attributes on Inbox view or anyother tablew views?
  • What is Location and SubLocation in AWC, name few OOTB examples
  • How to make attributes non editable in Overview page?
  • What is Dynamic compound property? Where do we use it?
  • How to use DCP in Objectset definition?
  • How to display Primary object details in Secondary object’s overview page?
  • How to travaerse multi level and display the multi level object’s property?
  • How to display Object’s properties based on other property value?

AWC Customization Questions:

  • How to create Role/Group specific AWC workspaces?
  • How to add custom help tile, custom objecy create tile?
  • How to configure Role/Group specific Tiles?
  • How to view/edit AWC stylesheets from AWC itself?
  • How to configure prefilters in global search?
  • How to write HTML code in XML rendering stylesheets?
  • How to configure custom Object icons in AWC?
  • How to configure property rendering icons in AWC?
  • How to create new Locations, Sublocations?
  • How to call custom SOA services from AWC stylesheets?
  • How to implement custom module in AWC?
  • What are all the useful commands to create module., commands?
  • How to build, deploy the AWC module?
  • How to implement Custom One Step command?
  • How to implement Tools and Info panel command?
  • What are all the supported property types for indexing?
  • How to make an property indexable and filterable?
  • How to make Classification data indexable and filterable?

Teamcenter Admin Interview Questions

  1. Why to use List users utility?
  2. What is FMS, FCC and FSC?
  3. What is TCCS?
  4. How to configure Dispatcher?
  5. What is Dispatcher Architecture and explain the components.
  6. How is a log file created.
  7. How to check SQL logs?
  8. How to export the users in Teamcenter?
  9. How to import stylesheets, preferences, workflows?
  10. How to create a batch file?
  11. What is cold deployment and Hot deployment?
  12. What is TC_ROOT and TC_DATA?
  13. What is TC_Profilevars.bat?
  14. How to clone the Teamcenter environment?
  15. What is the process followed to install 2-Tier Teamcenter installation?
  16. What is the process followed to install 4-Tier Teamcenter installation?
  17. How to configure OTW configuration?
  18. How to create multiple volumes?
  19. What is the scope in the Preferences – User, Role,Group,Site?
  20. How to configure multiple FSC’s?
  21. How to check FSC and FCC running status?
  22. How to create ICD files for OTW?
  23. What is ACL and how to configure a new ACL for a Site?
  24. How to export and import the ACL rule tree?
  25. How to enable the SQL debug statements?
  26. How to configure User specific bin folder.
  27. What is the process to analyze the FMS issues and TC server issues?
  28. What is store and forward and how to configure it?
  29. What are all the most used Teamcenter utilities, name few?
  30. How to check the Teamcenter data in DB level?
  31. How to enable Bypass?What is the significance of it?
  32. What are all the services should be up and running for a 4-Tier Teamcenter?
  33. How to configure TC mails?
  34. How to configure Audit manager?
  35. How to configure the license server?
  36. What is Impact analysis and how it is useful?
  37. What is Revision Rule and how to configure it?
  38. What is GUID and FMS ticket?
  39. What is multi-site and components in it?
  40. What all are the components start(in the background) when you launch Teamcenter icon?
  41. Is it possible to delete a status on an object, how?
  42. How to patch Teamcenter server?
  43. How  to upgrade Teamcenter?
  44. How to configure MS office integration?
  45. What is IDSM, ODS?
  46. What is Bootstrap URL?
  47. What is exit FSC and entry FSC?
  48. How to use IPS uploader?
  49. How to integrate CAD with Teamcenter?
  50. Difference between data_share, item import and export utilities?

Continue reading

Basic C language Interview Questions

  1. What is the pointer?
  2. what is the array?
  3. what is the Structure?
  4. what is the Union?
  5. What is the Stack?
  6. What is the tree?
  7. What is the Queue?
  8. What is the Macro in c?
  9. What is the difference between call by value call by reference?
  10. What is the difference between dynamic and static memory allocation in c?
  11. what are the ways to allocate memory dynamically?
  12. What is the header file and why do we uses it?

Basic Teamcenter Interview Questions

  1. Explain Teamcenter Architecture.
  2. What is the difference between 2 tier client and 4 tier Client?
  3. What is the difference between thin client and rich client?
  4. How to add a new property? How many types are there?
  5. what is the difference between attribute and property?
  6. what is the compound property?
  7. what is the complex property?
  8. Explain the business object class hierarchy ?
  9. what is the difference between user exit and server exit?
  10. what is the difference between action handler and rule handler?
  11. How to create a new menu in Teamcenter?
  12. what is the linked list?
  13. Memory allocation? what are all the different types?
  14. how to free the allocated memory?
  15. How to create a new custom Action Handler
  16. How to create a new custom Rule Handler?
  17. What is the server exit?How to create a server exit?
  18. How to call the server exit from java?
  19. What is RMI?
  20. How to configure a OTW client?
  21. What is the workflow template?
  22. What is the difference between Workflow template and workflow job?
  23. What is the difference between EPMJob and EPMProcess in teamcenter?
  24. what the difference between TCComponent, TCSession and TCService in Teamcenter?
  25. What is abstract progress dialog?
  26. how to call a extension for Dataset?
  27. How to call ITK code from java code (client side code) in teamcenter?
  28. while a new object is getting created which method will executed first either Precondition or Preaction?
  29. How to register a run time property in Teamcenter?
  30. how add a ITK extension to a property in Teamcenter?
  31. what is the delegation ? how to enable the functionality?
  32. What is the Quorum?
  33. What is the Review Quorum?
  34. What  is the parent class for BOMVIEWREVISION?
  35. What is the deep copy rule? How to create a deep copy rule based on custom groups?
  36. What is a GRM Rule and Cardinality?
  37. What is the use of plugin.xml file for a plugin project?
  38. How many types of lovs are there?
  39. What is dynamic LOV?
  40. How  to create a interdependent LOV?